Friday, January 14, 2011

A Different Pair of Glasses

First, I couldn't see things far away. That required one kind of corrective lenses. Then, a few years ago, I couldn't see things close up. That called for a different kind of corrective lenses. Now, I need "computer glasses" because the screen is just the wrong distance for either near or far portion of my regular glasses. Different problems call for different solutions.

This morning, before I picked up this newest pair, Keith was telling me how Romany he had stayed with in London had visited Romany in Romania and been shocked by the behavior of some of the Romanian Romany. The poor treatment of children, for instance, went against traditional Romany culture. Keith wanted to find out what made the Romanian Romany act that way--to look at the situation from their point of view. What forces prompted them to deviate from the strict code of Romany conduct? Only by understanding the cause could one attempt a remedy.

In my case, the computer glasses are working fine to type this blog. But I'll have to switch to the other pair if I want to read the bulletin board 18 inches further away. Different problems call for different solutions. Thankfully, the optician knew what to do about this one. I'm wondering what the Great Physician has to say about some of these other ones.

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